Monday, May 14, 2007

Oatmeal Caramel Bars

This is a great breakfast bar. Tried it many times and love it!


2 and 1/3 cups all purpose flour
2 cupts oats
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
2 sticks butter
1 cup chocolate chips (optional)
2 cupts pecans - chopped
8 oz caramel
Baking tray (13 x 9 x 2) with foil

Bake Temperature: 350 degrees C

1. Mix 2 cups of flour, oats, brown sugar and baking soda.
2. Melt butter. (Double boil) Mix into the dry mix (above)
3. Reserve 1 cup of crumb (the above mix). Press the rest in baking tray.
4. Bake 15 minutes at 350 C till lightly brown.
5. Mix chocolate chips and pecan in a bowl.
6. Mix caramel and 1/3 cup of flour in a bowl till smooth.
7. Remove baking tray (after baking 15 minutes or so). Sprinkle nuts and chips into the baking tray.
8. Drizzle the caramel mix.
9. Spinkle the 1 cup crumb.
10. Bake another 20 -25 minutes
11. Cool before cutting into bars.

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